Notice Board Decoration (S3 and Science Society)


[08-09] [09-10] [10-11] [11-12] [12-13]
[13-14] [14-15] [15-16] [16-17] [17-18]
[18-19] [19-20] [20-21] [21-22] [22-23]
[23-24] [24-25] [25-26] [26-27] [27-28]


  1. Each S3 class is going to responsible for the chemistry notice board outside chemistry laboratory for one month.
  2. Each class is expected to have one subject leader, who is responsible for coordinating the decoration of the board.
  3. Class-in-charge is expected to draft the content of the board in middle week of that month and discuss with teacher-in-charge.
  4. Class-in-charge is expected to complete the decoration in the first week of that month.

Subsidy: $50 per class
Theme: Acids and Alkalis
MonthClass in ChargeTopicCompletionPIC
Oct 24Science SocietyVitamin CEarly OctLCK
Nov 243ABleachEarly NovLCK
Dec 243BAntacidsEarly DecLCK
Mar 253CBaking SodaEarly MarLCK
Apr 253DFizzy Drink TabletEarly AprilLCK
May 253EDetergentEarly MayCSW

