Notice Board Decoration (S3 and Science Society)
- Each S3 class is going to responsible for the chemistry notice board outside chemistry laboratory for one month.
- Each class is expected to have one subject leader, who is responsible for coordinating the decoration of the board.
- Class-in-charge is expected to draft the content of the board in middle week of that month and discuss with teacher-in-charge.
- Class-in-charge is expected to complete the decoration in the first week of that month.
Subsidy: $50 per class
Theme: Acids and Alkalis
Month | Class in Charge | Topic | Completion | PIC |
Oct 24 | Science Society | Vitamin C | Early Oct | LCK |
Nov 24 | 3A | Bleach | Early Nov | LCK |
Dec 24 | 3B | Antacids | Early Dec | LCK |
Mar 25 | 3C | Baking Soda | Early Mar | LCK |
Apr 25 | 3D | Fizzy Drink Tablet | Early April | LCK |
May 25 | 3E | Detergent | Early May | CSW |